Πέμπτη 26 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

βασανίζομαι... I suffer..


γιατί ανέχομαι κουραστικές συμπεριφορές

γιατί δεν λέω συτο που σκέφτομαι

γιατί θεωρώ ότι είμαι υπεύθυνος για το κάθετι

γιατί ανησυχώ υπερβολικά

γιατί κάνω πολύ υπομονή

γιατί φοβάμαι τη σύγκρουση

γιατί φοβάμαι την έκθεση 

γιατί δεν μιλάω

γιατί για να νιώσω καλά θεωρώ ότι πρέπει να είναι καλά όλοι

γιατί αυτό που με ενοχλεί το καταπίνω

γιατί βλέπω τα χρόνια να περνούν και πράγματα για τα οποία είμαι ικανός και τα αξίζω δεν τα κάνω, είτε εξαιτίας της γνώμης των άλλων είτε από φόβο

γιατί κοιτάζοντας πίσω μετανιώνω μόνο για πράγματα που δεν έκανα

I suffer…

because I stand for other’s stressful treatments

because I don’t speak about what I am thinking of

because I believe that I am responsible for everything

because I am too anxious

because I have a lot of patient

because I am afraid of the conflict

because I am afraid of the exposure

because I do not speak

because in order to feel good I believe that everybody should feel good 

because I swallow what worries me 

because I see the years passing by and things that I am capable for and I deserve never happened  to me either because of others opinion or because my fears

because when I am looking back I regret only for things I did n’t do.

Κυριακή 15 Φεβρουαρίου 2015


I had a difficult week. 

On the one hand I had difficulties with my work.

I had to convince several kind of civil servants for the kind of duties I was performing for the last three and a half years.

I had to prove that I am not an elephant.

I made a lot of progress at the beginning (before Christmas) of my effort.

But on the last step, on Friday morning I fall on a wall.

I really don’t know what is going to happen after that.

I felt disappointment, anger, being used, I felt diluted. 

I should have acted about this issue some years ago.

I also took some very hard lessons these days. 

1. Never really perform without covering your ash first

2. Negotiate when you are strong and do not hesitate especially when time is against you

3. Keep the core of knowledge for yourself, especially if knowledge is the only weapon you have

4. Strong you are when they need you and when they need you an advantageous agreement s possible. Not after that.

5. Good words are fine but they are only words in the air.

On the other hand the uncertainty of the political and economic situation in my country. But this will be the subject of another post, another night.


(I made a lot of progress about the targets I put last Saturday. I fulfilled most of them. 

Keep on the good job. )

Σάββατο 7 Φεβρουαρίου 2015


Tonight I am going to write down some simple steps, some actions which I truly believe that if I fulfill them I shall make my life and consequently the life of the members of my family better.

So I am going to write dowIn a list. 

It will be some easy things, I will name them as simple rules and I will promise to myself that I ll keep them.

This is not the first time that I present here in my blog a list.  In the past,  on summer of 2013 I wrote about a list of trips I was hoping to travel without any discount or limitation of cost and time.

Now I decided to try again but this time it will be a realistic list, targets I am going to fulfill and not some fantastic ideas of escaping.

Lets start then with the first ten targets.

1. Never loosing time again in front of a computer monitor after 21.00.

2. Never serf the net without a scope late in the evening. No exceptions especially for the working days.

3. Never watching TV just for changing channels. Time is valuable. Watching a specific program or a match is acceptable. 

4. I ll prevent my kids of watching TV or computer for more than an hour a day in total. Don't  forget the NYT article about the IT   innovators that are low tech parents. 

5. Go to bed early before 23.00 the working days. I ll try reading a book or listen to music instead of my favorite Mac or TV.

6. Alcohol is acceptable at the week ends. Stop consuming it during the week. No more than 5  glasses per week

7. Gum twice a week lifting weights and making exercises for strengthening  muscles and bones is necessary. My back and waist are far better the current year due to my regular gum visit

8. Cardio exercise for a minimum  time of 150 min per week. 
If I take the 30 min I do cardio exercise at gum (walking or jogging) each time and multiply it for twice a week I have the 60 min.
I play basket each Monday for almost  an hour, that’s additionally  60 min.
Lets try jogging for 30 min on Sunday afternoon.
Sum the above I complete 60 + 60 + 30 = 150 min.
Lets try that almost the half of it (12min *2 = 24min corridor, 30 min of basket and 15 min of jog 70 min total will be moderate or       vigorous exercise for even better results).
And of course I wont forget to walk every where I can.
9. Last but not least I ll track my progress in the President Challenge web site.    

10. For now on I ll write my articles  for my blog in English.