Πέμπτη 24 Απριλίου 2014

Τα σημαντικά και τα λιγότερο.. σημαντικά

Την Μεγάλη Τετάρτη ήταν η τελευταία μέρα στη δουλειά, πριν τις σύντομες Πασχαλινές διακοπές.

Μεγάλη Παρασκευή το πρωί ξεκίνησα με την οικογένεια για την γενέθλια πόλη να 
περάσουμε με τους δικούς μου το Πάσχα.

Μεγάλη Πέμπτη και Παρασκευή το μυαλό μου δεν ξέφευγε από τα εργασιακά. 

Τρέχοντα θέματα, ζητήματα σε εκρεμμότητα για μετά το Πάσχα, πιθανές συγχωνεύσεις των Υπηρεσιών και νέοι ρόλοι…

Από το βράδυ της Μεγάλης Παρασκευής από την περιφορά του Επιταφίου και μετά το μυαλό ξέχασε τα πάντα. 

Λίγη εκκλησία, οικογένεια,  κοντινές βόλτες, φαγητό, η Μικρασιατική Εκστρατεία του Καργάκου …

Το συνειδητοποίησα χτες Δευτέρα του Πάσχα στο γυρισμό ότι ο διακόπτης είχε γυρίσει τόσο έντονα στο off.

Λες να ναι κανά θαύμα?

Κάποιος μου έδειξε αυτό το τριήμερο ποιά είναι τα σημαντικά … 

Τρίτη 15 Απριλίου 2014

Την οσμίστηκε την κρίση...

Προχτές βρέθηκα στα Χανιά για το έργο του Αεροδρομίου.
Ενας νεαρός που ανέλαβε να μας πάρει το πρωί από το ξενοδοχείο θέλοντας να μας πει ότι οσμίστηκε την κρίση μας είπε τα παρακάτω:

“Πριν από χρόνια δούλευα στη νύχτα, εκεί λοιπόν που πριν χρόνια σε ένα τραπέζι 3 άνδρες πέρνανε 3 μπουκάλια, αρχίσανε και την επόμενη χρονιά και πέρνανε 2 ή και 1 μπουκάλι  και μετά πέρναν από ένα ή δύο ποτά, εκεί λοιπόν κατάλαβα ότι τα πράγματα δεν πάνε καλά”

Λεβεντιά το θέμα ήταν να καταλάβεις ότι τα πράγματα δεν πάνε καλά όταν 3 άνθρωποι πληρώνανε και πίνανε 3 μπουκάλια…

Και μια φωτό από Χανιά


Και αυτό το τραγούδι το πρωτοάκουσα στα 20 και το λατρεύωhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guKoNCQFAFk

Πέμπτη 10 Απριλίου 2014


Ειναι μερικά τραγούδια που θυμάσαι την πρώτη φορά που τα άκουσες και τα ακούς πάντα με την ίδια λαχτάρα.

Το Perfect Day από τον Lou Reed το άκουσα ένα κρύο φθινοπωρινό απόγευμα στο Βόλο πριν 17 χρόνια.

Ημουν στον Η/Υ και δούλευα μια βάση δεδομένων με τις κολλήσεις του αγωγού φυσικού αερίου.

Θυμάμαι ότι σταμάτησα τη δουλειά και για καμιά ώρα κοίταζα το ταβάνι.  

Το βάζω εδώ να ακούω συχνότερα

Τρίτη 8 Απριλίου 2014

A bad week end

I decided earlier today to become an english writer. As no one seems to give a shit for my blog in Greek i ll practice my ability in english and who knows perhaps my luck will change.
Tonight i am going to describe an unusual week end i had almost two years ago. It was not only unusual but a week end of a really bad luck.
On Friday afternoon i left the office at 17.00 o’clock. The program was to spend two days with my family at Kalamos village where parents of my wife own a small - but with a great view - property.
At about 18.30 and after half an hour of necessary packaging the devoted yaris was ready to go. According to the time schedule at about 19.30 i supposed to enjoy my coffee  at the balcony staring at the sea. But as soon as we took the high way the traffic was so heavy that our velocity followed almost to 20 km  per hour. Spending almost one hour at this rate  with my two lovely daughters at the age of 7 and 3 accordingly getting tired traveling  with a small car full of things the trip was not so pleasant. 
We arrived at the village at about 21.00 o clock. The first impression was not good as it was late September and the dark was heavy. Further more no one was at the properties near our house and all lights were off. Besides the only lamp on the street was out of order and the three females of the family became anxious.
But the worst thing of all was that when we tried to get out of the car and enter the house my wife realized that she had forgotten the keys back to Athens.
Although i had some immediate ideas of committed a murder or getting an instant divorce as proper actions i acted as a manager understanding that there were no use, so i proposed to the rest of the family to go down to the village (the property lies on a hill) and eat some pitsa
After all the above at about 22.00 we were eating pasta and souvlaki and drinking beer at Mariana’s place. 
Later in the evening we took the way back to Athens were we arrive at about 01.00 o’clock in the morning tired and we went forward to our beds.
The next day - Saturday morning - was so hot that all the girls, my wife (yes the one who forgot the keys) including were starting to beg leaving Athens. Athens was an empty city, and as history tells no man can fail to fulfill woman expectations when they beg for something.  
At about 11.00 o clock in the morning we arrived at Kalamos village again. No delays during the 1 hour trip this time. We opened the house, we carried baggages inside, we bring the arm chairs to the veranda.  
My wife began cooking. First surprise, that the electric ….  was working at almost half the necessary electric power. Second surprise, water flow was limited and after some time we had almost zero float.
At about 14.00 the most surprising  event. 500 meters away at the next hill a fire appeared in the middle of a beautiful forest. 10 minutes later a second one about 50 meters upper than the first  and then a third fire 50 meters above.
At 15.00 a helicopter began throwing water at the fires and later 2 yellow airplanes trying to help throwing water also.
We spent some time watching  as it was the first time for us looking at such an effort happened so near but soon we thought it was not wise standing there and probably we had better going for dinner at the village.
It   was that moment when i tried to pick up a magazine from the floor that i felt a pain lower in  my back at my waist, that i just went to the nearest bed and lied down.
The pain was severe and my fear of the fire and my little girl cry made it terrible. Another restriction was that my wife was not able to drive. So there were no possibility for us to move. I took some medicine at once but i had to wait for some hours for a positive effect. So we call the cavalry. My wife’s parents in our occasion. They arrive in the afternoon with a fiend from the neighborhood to drive my car.
I got up with a lot of help and it was painful. We all arrived back in Athens in the evening. I stayed in bed for a week taking any kind of pills.

It was really a bad week end.